How to Update Your TP-Link Deco Firmware: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Update Your TP-Link Deco Firmware: A Step-by-Step Guide

You may set your firmware to update automatically for the most part. But it doesn't matter if you overlooked this option at initial setup or if you deliberately choose not to set up an automatic update. You may update tp link deco firmware on your TP-Link router with the greatest assistance available right here.

Firstly, you need to go to the official Tp Link download centre website and download the most updated firmware file for the model of Tp Link router you have. You may access the model information of your router by logging into your Tp Link admin page or by looking at the sticker located on it.

  • Verify that the firmware file you downloaded is in an unzipped file format. Should that not be the case, you ought to unzip it prior to storing it locally.

  • Proceed to access the admin router page of your Tp Link by logging in. Input the login credentials by typing into your browser's address bar. Click "Login" after that. If you have already logged in to verify the model of your router, you can move on to the next step.

  • Select the "Utility" tab. Click on "System Tools" under that tab.

  • After that, choose "Firmware Upgrade." or, in specific circumstances, choose "Firmware"

  • You then need to select "Browse or choose file." Your local storage will be displayed.

  • Choose the firmware file you downloaded from your computer, then press the "Open" button.

  • The file should show up in the "Browse" area.

  • Following that, hit "Upgrade."

  • Allow the update to finish taking effect by waiting a few minutes. Following completion, the Tp Link router will restart on its own.

How to verify that update tp link deco firmware has been executed?

Check to see if the firmware update is now operational after you have successfully updated your Tp Link router. Following the upgrade and automated reboot, it is also suggested that you reset your Tp Link router once more. By doing this, you can be confident that the router's memory is clear of any files from the old firmware. Thus, use the instructions below to verify the firmware's current condition.

  • Go to the status bar and choose "Status" while you are still logged in.

  • For some routers, this will result in a factory reset when the firmware is updated. Reconfiguring your router and Tp Link network is now an option.

  • Opt for "Quick Setup." To complete the configuration, follow the instructions provided by the Tp Link configuration Wizard.

  • In conclusion, click "Next" to proceed with the configuration. In the event that not, select "Exit."